getting pregnancy

Most Common Reason not getting pregnant

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Every couple dreams of a beautiful and complete family but there are number of couples, who face with their struggling time to achieve pregnancy. Medical or lifestyle factors hinder the procedure of conceiving such as- a poor balanced diet, imbalance lifestyle, overweight, underweight, intake of alcohol, smoking habit, environmental or atmospheric factor also affect fertility in men and women. The entire page describes about the common reason, why one struggle for being pregnant.

Most Common Reason of not getting pregnant

Working out too much

When the female undergoes with strenuous workout routines, her uterus also comes up with lots of pressure and this in return, disrupts the natural cycle (i.e. menstruation cycle) and makes the female less fertile.

Being healthy and fit is no doubt very important but excess of workout really causes adverse affect on the body. So, better is to continue your work out but not extensively.

Intake of Alcohol & Smoking

Approximately, 45-48% of adult women reported intaking the alcohol in the last 30 days, 12%-15% of women reported for the consumption of binge drinking 2-3 times a month. According to the National survey, one in two women of her child bearing age, i.e. the age of 18-35, drinks alcohol and 15-18% of adult women, who consume alcohol in this age group binge drink (binge drink is simply defined as the alcohol consumption, which brings the BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) level to 0.08% or more).

Females can reduce the chances of miscarriage or infertility, if they can cut back the intake of alcohol or smoking. The best option is to stay away from alcohol and smoking during the pregnancy phase. However, if the woman is planning to get conceived (say after few months) and still she is in her daily alcohol habit then she may have the risks of low birth weight, poor embryo quality or even preterm birth. Alcohol makes women less fertile.

Inadequate intake of Water

Water is one of the most essential factors that flush out all the toxins from the body; it makes the individual fresh, hydrated, and regulates the metabolism to function perfectly. Dehydrated body interfere the ability to conceive.

Stress and depression 

Anxiety combining with with depression is more common in women than in men. Reduced stress and depression is good for women’s fertility. Best techniques to make the women in comfort zone during pregnancy are acupuncture, music, meditation, reading interesting novels, talking with closed ones- reduce the stress and depression level too.

If you are using washroom soon after intercourse

Don’t rush into washroom after doing intercourse, stay in bed for minimum 20-30 minutes. If you go soon in washroom, then the sperms won’t get enough time to reach the egg and rather the sperms are pulled out of the female body due to gravity or by the wash.  If the female stays for 15-25 minutes then the sperms get enough time to be in the uterus and swim up to find the egg.


To have a healthy diet, it is necessary to maintain appropriate composition and caloric intake in the food. Diet maintains the entire weight of the body and if the diet contains nutrition and healthy composition of exact calories, then during the pregnancy, the female won’t suffer any kind of hurdle and the baby too, will be healthy. Reproductive health is directly linked with the consumption of a healthy diet.

Environment factor

Environmental factor affects both- male and female fertility. It is directly linked with reduced sperm count, sperms motility, viability and detectable levels of cadmium and lead in seminal plasma.

The increased number of reports suggests that physical and chemical agents, present in the environment affects male fertility in humans. Industrial chemicals, heavy metals, pollution- these three factors have a negative impact on male fertility.  Exposure to these environmental agents direct hits male fertility.

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