Fertility is a very delicate word which enhances enormous joy in the life of the childless couple. Fertility is such a term which illustrates the ability of human being to reproduce new ones and fertility is achieved by the fusion of female and male gamete that is ovum and sperm respectively to evolve an embryo. Whereas it’s opposite is Infertility …
Conscious about your fertility potential – Things you need to know
Females are born with a set amount of immature eggs or ovum; around 2 million of immature eggs are there in the reproductive organ of the female. Approximately 300,000 of these eggs will remain at the time of puberty. This is the stage when the female’s body starts to produce the eggs, once puberty has began, female’s body unleashes an …
How does Sugar affect your fertility?
Sugar doesn’t offer our bodies with nutrients; instead, excess sugar intake has been related to increasing weight gain, high blood pressure and also it affects fertility related issue. You all must have enough knowledge that Sugar puts you at the risk of diabetes, obesity and other health issue, but have you ever thought that sugar directly has an adverse affect …
How does Natural IVF differentiated from Mild IVF?
Natural IVF and Mild IVF both are somehow similar but have some differences as well in the sense that is differential from one another in one way or the other that is to determine the more accused treatment in an accomplished format, that means the procedure of both the processes are different from one another. In Natural IVF cycle, the …
Facts through which an individual figures out the safety of fertility drugs
The females have the most precious and the enormous gift to be obtained from the god that is the ability to revive her offspring and the females who are fertile enough can avail such blessings but the females who are facing the issues with infertility are not able to conceive and hence not able to give birth to her own …
When are Women Most Fertile to Get Pregnant?
For women, knowing their most fertile days is important to plan a pregnancy. Here, we tell you how to find out when you’re most fertile to get pregnant based on your menstrual cycle. In regard to fertility, it is best to keep track of your periods. Always record the date of the first day of your period, and keep track …
How Smoking Affects Your Fertility
Infertility specialist Dr. Ranjana Dhanu, Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist, Hinduja Healthcare Surgical, highlights the ill effects of smoking on the fertility of couples who are anxious to conceive. Several studies have shown that smoking affects both partners considerably, and that passive smokers suffer a substantial risk as well. Here’s how smoking affects the reproductive systems of women: • Menstrual and ovulatory …
Multiple IVF Failures: Why And What To Do?
A number of physiological conditions represent causes leading to IVF failures: Increasing maternal age, decreased number of oocyte collected by surgical aspiration, decreased availability of transferable mature eggs, decreased quality of embryos, elevated FSH levels, poor response to fertility medication, unexplained infertility, variation in experience & medical infrastructure at embryology lab. Reduced endometrial thickening & autoimmune responses in endometrial receptivity …
How the Modern Lifestyle Affects Fertility
In modern times, 1 out of 10 couples in the reproductive age group tend to encounter difficulties while trying to conceive a baby. This ratio is set to increase notably in metro cities, more so in couples wherein both the partners are working professionals. The two main reasons for this phenomenon are: Women trying to conceive when they are older …
Preserving Fertility in Young Cancer Patients
In the field of cancer treatment, until very recently, the goal of the medical fraternity was just to save the patient from the deadly disease. Concerns about preserving their fertility took a backseat. In today’s day and age however, with enhanced treatment modalities and better survival expectations, it is necessary to address the risk of infertility among these patients following …
IVF Cost in India – Know the Options Available
No woman feels complete without attaining mother. It is the most miraculous gift for a woman to have; however, some couples are there who are not fortunate enough to experience parenthood. For such couples IVF is there, which is a procedure that can help childless couples to have their own babies. IVF should only be considered in cases where pregnancy, …
Follow 10 simple steps to Tackle your PCOS days
PCOS is fully known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, it is a disorder that occurs in female. During the PCOS case, small cysts grow on the female’s ovaries. These cysts in return, stop the eggs to get out from the follicles. There are several symptoms of PCOS disorder. Women with PCOS may face with some of the following issue Excess weight …
What are the other measures that are not disclosed by fertility experts?
There must be numerous ways that may somehow determines the most accurate formulations that are relatively subsistence with the fertility treatment whether through In Vitro Fertilization or through other relative facts and figures that may somehow creates accuracy and most prominently the measures that may elaborates the effective promotions that brings out the desired factors that is inconsistent with the …
When is the time for males to bend towards fertility treatment?
The male partner needs the IVF treatment in case the male partner is facing the probable issues that are to be mentioned here under:- In case the male partner in the couple is not having the quantitative sperms that are required in making the female partner pregnant. In case the male partner is not producing the quantitative sperms that are …
What every woman should know about her fertility?
How much do you know about your fertility? Is having a family something you’ve considered, but haven’t really given much thought to? As India’s leading IVF / fertility specialists, we know all too well the impacts of women trying for children too late – a woman’s age is the number one cause of fertility issues. But for many, high school …
जाने स्त्रियों में बढ़ते बांझपन के कारण और उपचार .
1. बीमारियां बढ़ती जा रही हैं वाकई यह बात मानने वाली है कि जैसे-जैसे साइंस ने तरक्की की है, वैसे ही बीमारियां भी काफी बढ़ गई हैं। हम यह नहीं कहते कि विज्ञान में कोई दोष है, दोष तो शायद इंसान में है जिसने खुद को तकनीकी जगत में बांधकर रख दिया है। हमारी ज़िंदगी ‘ज़िंदगी’ कहलाने की बजाय महज़ …
Fertility and Smoking
one of the most common questions asked by couples on their fertility journey is “What can I do to improve my chance of conceiving?” For the 13% of adults who smoke every day, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do, not only if you are trying to conceive but also for your future health, pregnancy and …
Thin Endometrium: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
The Uterus, which carries the fetus in females throughout the pregnancy, it has three layers – inner most, middle and outer layer. The innermost layer of uterus is called Endometrium. A thick and salutary Endometrium is crucial for normal menstrual cycle and successful pregnancy. A thick and healthy Endometrium, also known as Uterine Lining, goes a long way in ensuring …
How can weight affect fertility?
When women and couples who are experiencing difficulties with conception are overweight, they have generally already heard or read the advice that being overweight reduces their chance of falling pregnant. Seeing other women who have an equal or even greater problem with their weight, who have conceived successfully and are happily pushing their strollers down the street, only adds to …
Single Embryo Transfer: Financial Pros and Cons
Single fetus exchange has turned into an intriguing issue for couples attempting to imagine, and shows a testing set of inquiries to consider before finishing an IVF cycle. There are numerous elements to consider, and cash frequently assumes a major part. With a dubious result, monetary contemplations depend on probabilities. This article considers three conceivable results and analyzes monetary contemplations …
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