How much does icsi treatment cost in gurgaon? Is it affordable along with the ivf treatment?

ICSI is one of the advanced methods of an ART; and high giving success rate in the fertilization procedure when used during the IVF. This is one of the technique oftype of ART method performed to treat extreme instances of male factor infertility. Out of all the infertility cases, around half are ascribed to male factor fertility issue. One of the significant causes behind male factor infertility is the inability of the man to make an adequate measure of sound sperms and motile sperm for the self-penetration into the egg’s cytoplasm. These issues bring about disappointment in achieving pregnancy through the regular technique and thus the couple has to face challenges in the way to attaining the parenthood. ICSI treatment although comes in the advanced form of ART, that doesn’t mean, a couple cannot bear its expense. ICSI Cost in Gurgaon is affordable by each couple who plans for their IVF-ICSI treatment.

ICSI is usually be followed by the IVF technique. In some cases, where the fertility medicines, for example, IVF fizzle at making a healthy and quality embryo for implantation and fruitful accomplishment of pregnancy, at this case- ICSI could be used (if male’s sperm has been found les motile for the fertilization). For this situation, the advanced fertility methods are required and one of them is ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in which a very single sperm (motile and dynamic) is straightforwardly infused into the cytoplasm of the develop egg (eggs that have been retrieved during the IVF treatment). How ICSI is beneficial for the men who have advanced issue of fertility. It’s because ICSI facilitates the fast movement of the sperm to directly reach into the egg’s cytoplasm without delay. As we know in IVF treatment, many of sperms are utilized for the fertilizationon the petri dish in the expectations that one of them would go onward and penetrate the egg for fertilization, ICSI allows a single sperm and that too motile so that what makes higher success rate in the terms of fertilization. The immediate insertion of sperm fundamentally expands the odds of preparation and pregnancy.

If we talk about the treatment overall expense, then no worries, ICSI Cost in Gurgaon doesn’t cost much. Yes, it’s in the couples’ pocket-book.

The treatment is utilized when the couple didn’t encounter accomplishment with other infertility medicines and need an increasingly successful technique so as to have a child. ICSI is the best treatment alternative for couples managing serious male factor infertility and searching for a treatment that can guarantee more prominent odds of progress. For experiencing ICSI treatment in Gurgaon, it is pivotal for you to far reaching research before you select the fruitfulness place or expert for your treatment as it assumes a significant job in deciding your odds of accomplishment in the ICSI treatment.

ICSI COST IN GURGAON WITH IVF– Let’sgather the nuts & bolts about this treatment 

The best ICSI clinics in Gurgaon offer the best and reasonable ICSI Cost in Gurgaon. Under the skilled and veteran fertility team, ICSI treatment is accomplished making sure each and every thing goes appropriately. Prior to performing out the ICSI treatment, there would be a complete survey of the patient to choose whether ICSI will be a beneficial and successful treatment choice or not. In the wake of affirming their fertility issue for the procedure, the team further work the patient for ICSI treatment.

The system of ICSI treatment is practically indistinguishable from IVF treatment varying just on the part where sperms are gotten on the grounds that ICSI follows an extraordinary strategy so as to choose the sperm. Toward the start of the ICSI, the female accomplice is given fertility drugs for animating her ovaries, which is required for guaranteeing better odds of having a successful fertilization. Meanwhile, the state of her ovaries is constantly checked to see whether eggs have developed – this step is always performed under the senior fertility expert. When the development of the eggs is affirmed, the eggs are removed from ovarian follicles with the help of a hollow needle (with a suction attached). This treatment is done under the sedation so as to avoid any discomfort that could happen during the egg-retrieval of the woman.

The subsequent stage is semen assortment (where a male is required to give his semen sample to the lab for the ICSI technique and fertilization procedure) and for gathering the sperms, the male accomplice needs to give his semen sample. Once the sperm is collected into the fertility lab, the next step is ICSI technique. The specialist picks the motile sperm and a fit sperm that could be productive when it goes to the egg for the fertilization.The specialist then chooses the single sperm and then infused legitimately into the cytoplasm of the egg for the direct fertilization. This prompts the fertilization soon (if compare the fertilization in IVF). After this step, the last step is same as in IVF – embryo transfer. If the fertilization has taken place successfully, embryo gets moved into the uterus of the woman.

The embryo is then embedded into the woman’s uterus during embryo transfer. Following a time of about fourteen days, the pregnancy test is taken to know whether the embryo has implanted into the right place or not.

The ICSI Cost in Gurgaon is INR 1, 85,000 to INR 2, 00,000– this includes all the procedure of IVF too and medication as well. A couple is not required to pay more if they are undergoing IVF with ICSI under the best ICSI clinics in Gurgaon.

The absolute best ICSI clinics in Gurgaon doesn’t charge extra for the ICSI when a couple has chosen for IVF treatment, and there are a few centers that charge extra for that. So, a couple needs to know on this matter, when they pay a visit to the clinic. We don’t charge extra cost to the couple who picked our centre for the IVF treatment with ICSI. On the off chance that we found the male’s sperm inadequate to swim by own, we go for ICSI preparation mode in a similar bundle of the couple’s IVF. Let’s get a clear idea about the ICSI Cost in Gurgaon in a table given below –

icsi cost in gurgaon price list 2020

icsi cost in gurgaon price list 2020


ICSI treatment is utilized in instances of serious male factor infertility. This upgraded type of IVF is likewise utilized when the couple didn’t get a successful result undergoing the IVF because of ineffectual fertilization (due to male’s fertility problem) in the IVF treatment. Our specialists at Gurgaon perform ICSI well using all the advanced apparatuses to pick the motile sperm for the fertilization, at the same time, it gives a reasonable package of ICSI cost in Gurgaon.

Affordable ICSI Cost in Gurgaon, a couple can get 

The ICSI cost in Gurgaon is about INR 1, 85000 – INR 2, 00,000, which is the most minimal expense for accepting the best-quality ICSI in the best ICSI centre in Gurgaon. The fertility experts at the best ICSI clinics in Gurgaon assure a couple to get the most desired results in their IVF-ICSI treatment. The success rate is already discussed about ICSI that ICSI has higher success rate compared to IVF technique. However, for a higher success rate, a woman must have fine quality of eggs, and so the sperm.

Under the best fertility clinics of World Fertility Services, one get the most reasonable ICSI Cost in Gurgaon and at the same time a decent success rate. You must be thinking who we are; we are one of the widely popular fertility agency in Gurgaon that offers the best fertility centres in Gurgaon. We have fertility centres across the globe serving the skilled fertility specialists with a high success rate too.

If you are planning for the IVF method with ICSI (if you have been found as male fertility issue as well), you can opt for this method without a second thought. We do not charge extra for ICSI technique. If a couple is undergoing IVF with our centres, no other charge is required to pay by the couple. On the off chance that you have chosen our fertility clinic for IVF-ICSI, at that point you need not to stress at all since we give the best treatment and ensure the patient will get the best result as per the couple’s fertility level and their age.

WORLD FERTILITY SERVICES is among the best fertility service provider in Gurgaon having join ups with most skilled and proficient Fertility doctor. We offer an exceptionally sensible ICSI Cost in Gurgaon, which is the reason patients from around the globe pick our fertility centres so as to get moderate and best quality fertility treatment to have a baby of their own.

If you have more questions related with ICSI Treatment Cost in Gurgaon or any of the fertility treatment, you can directly reach to our support team either byfilling the form/mail us/ or get in touch with our coordinators on the number provided on our home page. We wish all the best for your fertility treatment journey.





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adminHow much does icsi treatment cost in gurgaon? Is it affordable along with the ivf treatment?