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Know the Stages of IVF Pregnancy in India

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The pregnancy procedure by IVF treatment is far different from natural conception or natural pregnancy. Once the female has achieved pregnancy through IVF, the days of pregnancy will be the same as for women experiencing a normal pregnancy. The procedure through which the pregnancy can achieve in IVF is quite complex. The stages of IVF pregnancy in India performs by highly experienced experts. It involves collecting the eggs and sperm of partners to fertilize outside of the reproductive functions. The IVF process has high success rates providing successful pregnancies in several infertility conditions. 

So, if the couple is facing infertility syndrome and trying to get conceived but cannot attain pregnancy (for more than six months or so), then it is time to take help from ART techniques. Talking about fertility medication and IVF is the second to none option to bring about the days of your parenthood. IVF is the most advanced technology to treat any infertility issue.

How does IVF perform in India? Let’s get into the details of the different stages of IVF pregnancy: 

The stages of IVF pregnancy in India involve the fertilization of eggs and sperm. It performs to provide the best conception results. Many infertility conditions in partners can assist with IVF. Before starting the process, you must ask the doctor or expert about the procedure, your chances, and other approaches required. IVF can include various other procedures and methods to become successful. It helps with better results in severe sterility conditions. The following are the stages for conceiving a child successfully: 

  • Suppressing the natural menstrual cycle

Once you have met with your fertility expert and selected the best fertility clinic to undergo IVF treatment. To suppress your natural menstrual cycle, the doctor will prescribe certain medications. This medication is taken either as a regular injection or as a nasal spray. This medication makes the next step of IVF more effective.

  1. Stimulation of your ovaries

Your expert will provide fertility medications (FSH) for the stimulation of your ovaries and to suppress the menstruation cycle. It increases the mature and healthy egg production in the ovaries because multiple eggs require in the process. The hormonal injection will give to the female partner to release the eggs into the uterus.

You must be thinking about why FSH is beneficial for ovarian stimulation. It is because follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increases the number of eggs that the female ovaries produce.

Each month, a single egg is produced by female ovaries, but medical procedures improve fertilization during IVF. It aids egg production since a high egg count will require successful fertilization.

  1. Progress evaluation

Once the female begins taking the fertility medication, she must return to the clinic on a specific date (determine by the clinic schedule).

Through blood tests or vaginal ultrasound scans, fertility experts monitor female ovaries. If the eggs are supposed to mature enough before obtaining the eggs, a trigger injection (hormone) is given (30-34 hours before retrieval of the eggs).

  1. collection of the eggs

Now the step comes from the collection of the eggs. This step can perform under sedation. The eggs will retrieve using a hollow needle that passes through the vagina and into the female ovaries with ultrasound assistance.

It is not at all a troublesome procedure. After the step has finished, the female patient can experience a slight feeling of dizziness, but nothing more.

  1. Fertilization

Once the eggs are retrieved, they mix with the male partner’s sperm in the top centre. Motile sperm penetrates the egg, and if it does, then fertilization happens.

After three days of fertilization, an embryo will be of seven to nine cells, and at the blastocyst stage (on the fourth or fifth day of fertilization), the step of placing the embryo initiates by the fertility experts.

  1. Transferring of Embryos

It is the final stage of the IVF cycle; first, embryos can examine to determine which one is the healthiest to transfer. The best-selected fertilized egg will place into the female uterus via a catheter. It is much simpler than the egg retrieval procedure. After this step, bed rest will recommend for around 24 hours.

If any healthy embryo is left over (or embryos), they may freeze for a future attempt (if the couple wants).

Within a week or so, a female visit the clinic for a check-up for successful implantation or pregnancy test. If the embryo has been placed successfully, then pregnancy will soon happen.

What are the other approaches to include in IVF in India?

Many other approaches and methods are present to assist different conditions of partners’ health and infertility. Your fertility expert will recommend managing and having the best outcomes. IVF can assist in managing problems, but severe health and infertility conditions cause pregnancy failures. You should have the IVF Pregnancy in India according to your problems. The advanced approaches to IVF treatment in India are the following:

  • Donor gametes: Any partner has a problem with the gamete’s health, like poor quality or count of eggs or sperm. The IVF process may fail to provide successful pregnancy results with these gametes and cause problems. Your fertility expert can suggest donor assistance for the eggs, sperm, or embryo. It will provide successful and healthy pregnancy results for partners.
  • ICSI: The eggs and sperm mixing on a Petri plate for IVF pregnancy sometimes causes problems in gamete fertilization and forming of the healthy embryos. The male sperm has problems with movement, or the female partner’s egg outer shell is thick. Your doctor can recommend the ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) process. It performs in IVF as the healthy male sperm fills injections to inject into the female eggs for fertilization.
  • Male infertility: Severe male infertility conditions require other approaches and procedures. SSR (Surgical Sperm Retrieval) is the best technique for healthy male sperm in any obstructive or non-obstructive disorder. It can involve surgical or non-surgical strategies to collect healthy sperm. The process provides healthy male sperm for IVF or other assisted reproductive techniques. 
  • PGD: A genetic condition in either partner causes pregnancy failure. It can detect or remove the fertilized eggs containing the disease. According to the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), IVF separates healthy fertilized eggs without any genetic disruptions.
  • Uterus conditions: After the 40s, many women face uterine problems such as fibroids, non-cancerous growths, or endometriosis. It affects the chances of conceiving the child, as the fertilized eggs do not implant into the uterine lining. Surgical procedures or other approaches can assist with the problem and regulate the function.

Where can you have the best IVF procedure in India?

Many fertility centres and clinics are available in India for the best IVF treatment. The stages of IVF pregnancy in India must function with cutting-edge technology and excellent professional direction. It can cause challenges to choose the best IVF clinic in India, but we are here to provide you with the best assistance. The best medical tourism company in India is WORLD FERTILITY SERVICES. Our highly experienced fertility specialists have top qualifications with higher experience from different countries. Many people in various infertility conditions have successfully conceived healthy children through the centre.

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