ICSI cost in Mumbai

How much does ICSI cost in Mumbai? Is it pocket-friendly?

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ICSI is one of the male infertility treatments and recommended to those males who are either struggling with low-sperm count or less motility of the sperm. We also can say that ICSI is one of the advanced procedures of fertilization technique that facilitates the fertilization procedure. This treatment is always followed with the IVF methodology, and hence ICSI with IVF provides a higher success rate compared to the conventional IVF treatment.

Now you must be thinking about why ICSI has a higher success rate to IVF? This is because, during the IVF method, fertilization takes naturally – placing the sperms and eggs on a nutrient culture dish, the most motile sperm gets penetrated the egg’s wall and fusion happens. On the other hand, during the ICSI technique, a single sperm (most motile) is picked and directly injected into the egg’s cytoplasm for soon fertilization. There is only a single difference between IVF and ICSI, and that is the methodology of the fertilization. Apart from this technique, each and every procedure is as same as the IVF works. And that’s the reason why it differs in terms of the success rate because here fertilization success rate is high and so overall success rate gets elevated.

Now the question occurs, what is the approximate ICSI Cost in Mumbai, is it reasonable, or is it expensive than the IVF treatment?

Here’s your answer – No the ICSI Cost in Mumbai is not at all expensive than the conventional IVF treatment, rather the ICSI is incorporated in this package only (under some fertility centres). Yes, you heard it right; few fertility clinics offer the ICSI package in the same package of IVF; while some IVF centres ask for an additional charge for ICSI. Under the best ICSI centres in Mumbai of World Fertility Services, a couple is not required to pay additional bucks for the treatment (if they are undergoing IVF from our clinic) of their ICSI.

How to find the Reasonable and Authentic ICSI Cost in Mumbai?

This is the most important factor; one has to take care of – from where to undergo the ICSI treatment and how to search the best centre to get the authentic ICSI Cost in Mumbai.

IVF and other advanced treatment such as IVF with ICSI, IVF with IMSI or PICSI, with donors and so on, is actually a time-taking procedure thus a couple must do their homework before choosing any of the procedure.

IVF treatment with ICSI technique also is a lengthy procedure to accomplish; hence a couple is required to do well-research before settling on the exact ICSI centre.

Since we all know that ICSI comes in the advanced procedure of an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), the ICSI Cost in Mumbai is not that of thousands of bucks, it somewhere ranges between 1.85 lakh to 2 lakh; therefore it is mandatory to seek the top-notch fertility clinic so as to make sure you receive the best treatment along with a decent success or delivery rate.

How to go for the best ICSI centre in Mumbai?

There are some points given below; one can follow these steps to make sure they are selecting the best fertility clinic for the treatment-

  • Ask for the success rate and gather the information about the live birth rate via IVF-ICSI
  • During the initial consultation, is the doctor paying proper attention in your case?
  • You can talk to the previous patients of that clinic in order to have the information on how the procedure goes in deep and how the clinic works during the treatment. By doing so, you will get proper information about how the fertility team handles the case of the couple
  • Ask total breakdown of the ICSI Cost in Mumbai

NOTE- Not a single Fertility Centre can assure the couple for 100% success rate with IVF-ICSI. If any fertility centre assures you about 100% success rate, it is a wise decision to not to opt that clinic for the treatment.

If you are satisfied with each and every aspect with the clinic’s success rate, and ICSI Cost in Mumbai, and the delivery rate, you can go without a second thought. It is but obvious, if you found a genuine ART fertility clinic, you will get the most

The ICSI Cost in Mumbai – Yes, It’s Affordable 

It has already been mentioned earlier that ICSI comprises all the steps of IVF. Still, it differs when it comes for the fertilization because ICSI fertilization involves direct insertion of a single sperm into each of the egg retrieved during the egg retrieval procedure.

Curious to know the ICSI Cost in Mumbai, here we are –

The ICSI Cost in Mumbai under the best fertility clinics of World Fertility Services is INR 1,85,000 to INR 2,00,000 incorporating all the steps that include –

  1. Initial consultation
  2. Fertility Medication and hormonal injections
  3. Follicular-aspiration
  4. ICSI fertilization technique
  5. Choosing an appropriate embryo
  6. Placing the embryo into the woman’s uterus
  7. Fertility lab charges

The above methods are included in the package of ICSI Cost in Mumbai; however, if a couple wants to go for post embryo transfer, then they can undergo with the same fertility centre for the further procedure. In this case, if the couple wants to go for further tests and post embryo transfer procedure, there would be additional cost apart from the package of ICSI Cost in Mumbai.

This is all about the cost-structure of the ICSI technique in Mumbai. If you are confused about the treatment procedure, cost-details or any other factor, you can directly contact our support team of World fertility Services. We serve the top-notch quality of fertility services across the globe.

icsi cost in mumbai

icsi cost in mumbai


So if you are seeking the best fertility centre to fulfil the dream accomplished of parenthood, and facing with the sperm-motility or less sperm count issue, then choosing ICSI would be the perfect solution to go for.

Let’s Gather Some More Info about the ICSI Treatment in Mumbai 

A couple, if undergoing standard or a conventional IVF, the fertilization usually happens, where the most motile and dynamic sperm swims by itself and gets entered the egg (and goes into the cytoplasm for the fusion) – this is how conventional IVF works. On the other hand, the ICSI technique is the advanced form of fertilization methodology, wherein a single sperm is chosen and directly injected into the egg’s cytoplasm. ICSI treatment always facilitates the fertilization sooner than the IVF fertilization, thus providing a higher success rate in overall treatment. That doesn’t mean, IVF is not an effective solution for the fertilization, it is! But when the partner’s sperm is not up to the mark in the term of penetration and motility, by that time, the ICSI technique is the best way to have the fertilization accomplished.

IVF is usually referred to those couples, wherein the woman has either fallopian tubal issue, ovulation issue and thus unable to conceive.

Here, in the IVF method, 50,000 or more sperms are put close to the eggs for the fertilization, where the sperms get penetrated the egg’s wall and reach into the cytoplasm for the fusion.

On the other hand, ICSI requires one of a kind method at the hour of insemination step. During this technique, a needle (called micropipette), is utilized by the fertility doctor to infuse the sperm legitimately into the egg’s cytoplasm. This procedure is cultivated by giving stimulatory medications to the lady as like in the IVF. When the eggs are enough matured and ready to retrieve, eggs are taken out from the lady’s ovaries and kept in the Petri dish. Later on, the progression of the fertilization is performed, and single sperm is directly injected into the eggs individually, that have been retrieved during the egg-pick up procedure.

During the ICSI in Mumbai, the fertilization time gets shortened due to the soon fertilization technique. Consequently, there is reducing time in the methodology of ICSI compared to the conventional IVF method. ICSI is one of the propelled strategies for IVF; however, it never gives the affirmation to have a hundred percent chance of the fertilization.

When should ICSI be used for the Infertility case?

ICSI is always used when the male partner has fertility issues such as – low sperm count, less motility and so; let’s read other aspects too when ICSI is used –

  • Dysfunction in the partner’s ejaculation
  • Less motility of sperms
  • Abnormal shape of the sperm
  • Inadequacy of the sperm count
  • Painful intercourse
  • Women whose fallopian tube is blocked or removed
  • For same-sex couples, ICSI treatment is also advised.

These are some reasons why ICSI is planned.

ICSI treatment is also recommended to those males, who have no sperm at all and undergoing the Surgical Sperm Retrieval/Aspiration method to have a baby. This procedure is accomplished using the IVF-ICSI method. SSR is a surgical procedure, where the fertility surgeon surgically retrieves the sperm directly from the patient’s testicles or epididymis to get the sperm. Once the sperm received by the specialist, the next procedure is fertilization using the ICSI technique.

ICSI Cost in Mumbai using the above surgical procedure of SSR ranges from INR 2, 35,000 to INR 3, 00,000 – the exact cost will be based on which the treatment is used with the ICSI, is it TESA, PESA, MESA or Micro-TESE. On the basis of the surgical procedure used, the cost gets clarified.

ICSI was introduced in 1992; the very first child employing this strategy was conceived in Belgium. ICSI is one of the methods in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and can be considered as the advanced fertilization technique of an ART. ICSI is where a very single sperm is legitimately infused into the cytoplasm of each egg. ICSI is generally followed alongside IVF treatment. ICSI Cost in Mumbai from the best ICSI centres provides a reasonable expense in order to avail this treatment to all the couple whoever planning for the ICSI treatment.

ICSI is the useful methodology for those males, who face male infertility, for example, low sperm check, less portability of the sperm, and unfit to infiltrate itself into the woman’s egg during the IVF fertilization procedure. In uncommon instances of male fertility issues, there are a few men, who are seen as no sperm in his discharge. During this case, SSR (Surgical Sperm Retrieval) is performed utilizing the ICSI technique. The ICSI Cost in Mumbai using SSR would be different.

ICSI treatment chops down the hour of fertilization contrasted with conventional IVF technique. ICSI is the second most developed and advanced infertility treatment, with IVF being the first.

We – World Fertility Services is one of the leading fertility platforms serving all the types of advanced and basic fertility treatment to the couples at an authentic price. We provide the best treatment of IVF-ICSI along with a decent success rate ensuring the couple receives the best experience throughout the treatment with us.

Have queries related to the ICSI treatment in Mumbai? Contact our support team for further information! We would be pleased to assist you!

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adminHow much does ICSI cost in Mumbai? Is it pocket-friendly?

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