egg donor

How egg Donors in India selected?

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Egg donation is a procedure matters most to them who have fertility issues. The procedure is an extremely safe procedure, however; you need to know about it for taking most out of it. This article is helpful for both parties i.e. women who wish to donate their eggs and the women looking for donated eggs for initiating their IVF treatment. Here is a detailed explanation on the donating procedure. The selection of egg donor in India is performed as explained.

  1. General medical screening: You will have a physical examination, including a pelvic exam. Blood will be drawn to check your hormone levels. Ultrasoundwill be used to examine your uterus, ovaries and other pelvic organs. These tests might reveal an existing health problem.
  2. Infectious disease screening: When blood or tissue is transferred from one person to another, it can carry viruses or bacteria. To minimize the risk that a donor egg in India could cause illness in the recipient, donors are tested for a variety of infections. You will have a blood test to see if you have been exposed to HIV.
  3. Screening for inherited disease: Most programs try to learn all they can about a donor’s genetic make-up in order to minimize the chance that a baby will have a birth defect or serious inherited disease. You will be required to provide your complete medical history. You will be asked medical questions about your biological parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. It is one extremely important procedure of egg donation in India.
  4. Psychological screening: Donating eggs requires you to confront complex emotional and social issues. The screening process should help you evaluate your desire to donate and to think through these issues. Psychological screening also makes sure that you have the require courage to go through the complexity of egg donation in India

A woman clearing all these tests will be considered an ideal donor.

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adminHow egg Donors in India selected?

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