fertility treatment

Different Stages of IVF Treatment in India

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The importance of In Vitro Fertilization is much to those who are unfortunate to experience parenthood. The process is an ideal one that could help intended parents to have their genetic successor even though there is an infertility issues with them. The IVF treatment in India is a procedure that could be divided into different stages as explained below.

The 1st stage of IVF in India – the intended mother is prescribed special medication so that fertility can be improved. Improved fertility can easily offer a chance to collect more eggs. Some eggs might fail to fertilize and thus, it is important to have more eggs so that fertility can be done.

2nd stagethe eggs produced in a woman’s body is then removed out by using a hollow needle that is passed through the cavity of the pelvis. This process can turn out to be much painful for the female taking part in the procedure. The pain might remain for a week or more. However, it is just a normal sign and females need not be worried about this IVF procedure in India.

In addition to this if the mother is not able to produce healthy eggs, surgeons might contact with an egg donor. Egg donor cost in India is not as much as the rates in western countries. It serves as an important factor for a number of tourists coming to India for infertility treatments.

3rd stageinsemination is the next stage in this procedure, which basically means to fertilize the egg in the laboratory. This fertilization is monitored closely to make sure the IVF process in India is going on well.

4th stageafter the egg is fertilized it is then placed into the womb of the intended or surrogate mother. Surrogate mothers can easily be hired by paying them the surrogacy cost. This cost in India is affordable when compared with the cost in foreign countries. This makes IVF in India most affordable.

5th stagethe women are then allowed to take a rest and look out for the early signs of pregnancy. The pregnancy is confirmed by a blood test following with an ultrasound.

The success rates of IVF treatment in India vary with a number of factors. It includes the age of the women along with her health issues. For healthy women the success rate has been recorded near about 30-40% in India.

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adminDifferent Stages of IVF Treatment in India

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