lower sperm count

Did you aware of the fact that a longer duration of infertility leads to lower sperm count?

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In some of the cases it is promptly seen by the fertility experts that the childless couples in case facing the issues of infertility up to the larger time duration that in most of the cases the male partner in the particular couple may somehow face the issues with lower sperm count and generally seen as the common procedure that the childless couple must follow up the effective fertility treatment unless and until they may face such relative issues.

As that should be accomplished with the procedure that the couple is well aware of the facts and the figures that the couple must elaborates with the desired issues to be resolved by their fertility experts in the effective way that the couple should elaborates the whole scenario in front of their fertility experts and their fertility experts must suggest the childless couples to opt for the fertility treatment that provides them the most effective results attainment through such relative method of treatment that is the treatment with IVF procedure that gives effective results or in case of male partner infertility ICSI and IUI should be considered as an effective treatment procedure that promptly provides the desirable results with such kind of treatment procedure.

We all know that the female partner have the effective and the desirable gift of nature that is the ability to conceive and then give birth to her offspring and in such a procedure male partner is also equally important that means the male partner is also having the equal importance in providing her the healthy pregnancy for the female partner within the couple that means both the partners in the couple leads a vital role in attaining pregnancy of the female partner as both partner’s components are equally important in female’s pregnancy and acquiring the baby with the definite procedure.

  • The issues with low sperm count is known as oligospermia which is the kind of disease faced by the male partner relative with infertility relative factors, whereas in case if a male partner is facing the issues with the complete absence of sperm count than the male partner in the childless couple is facing the issues of azoospermia (as a kind of disease) that not even a single sperm should be not available in the testis and also not produced in the testis of the male partner.
  • But in a relative case that if the male partner of the childless couple is having only a single sperm and that is in the proper functional manner than the couple must opt for ICSI or IUI treatment where only a single sperms is strong enough to fertilize the eggs and make the artificial inseminations process effective as the issues with male partner infertility.
  • The male body is full of sperms and is the factory of the sperms and also with the normal day to day life the production  of sperms are taking their place whenever needed, so the male partner who is not having the desirable sperms as needed at the time of sexual intercourse and is not able to produce them further with the daily routine than the particular male is considered as an infertile male and is not able to produce effective sperms and has the issue of low sperm count which is certainly leading towards infertility in the male’s body who is facing the issues of infertility.

A male partner is considered as an infertile in case he is concerned with the relative issues as discussed hereunder:-

  • In case the male partner in the couple is facing the issues relatively concerned with infections.
  • In case the male is facing the issues of cancer and is probably involved with the treatment of cancer relative treatments.
  • In case the male partner is in the regular habit of an excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • In case the male partner intakes the drugs like majuana and other such relative drugs which are considered as the harmful drugs for the male partner’s body and may lead his body towards the infertility relative causes.
  • In case the male partner in the childless couple is a smoker (hard core).
  • In case of previous surgeries as faced by the male partner which therefore becomes the relative cause of infertility within the male partner.
  • In case the male partner in the couple is having the relative cause of tumors present within the body which restricts the sperms production and the other relative properly produced sperms to be extracted out from the male partner’s body.

In case the male partner in the childless couple is facing the issues as with the decreased  in the facial and normal hairs or the feeling of pain, swelling and lump disorder or in some of the cases the male partner is facing the issues at the time of sexual intercourse when the couple is having the sexual intercourse than at such a particular time, the male partner is not properly involved in such activism as due to the hormonal changes, his body won’t able to allowed such activism and he feels pain and swelling at his reproductive part at the time of intercourse as he is having the issues of low sperm count which is basically due to the tumors and the other infections and diseases caused by the particular male partner in such a relative aspect.


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adminDid you aware of the fact that a longer duration of infertility leads to lower sperm count?

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