Common Fertility Miths

10 Fertility Myths Busted

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Know 10 Fertility Myths 

fertility myths

Trying to become pregnant is stressful, so the last thing you need is everyone offering you spontaneous advice. With no doubt to say that they mean well, but with so much opposing information out there it is hard to separate fact from fiction. Thereby, forget everyone else, and take on how to appease the fertility.

At, read on to find out which factors really contribute to infertility issues in order to increase your chances of starting, or growing, your family.

1. You need to have sex around the time you ovulate

Fact: You should have sex every 2-3 days all through the cycle. Yes, the regular sex keeps sperm healthy. You want to maximize the health of the sperm so that you have healthy sperm to fertilize the egg, at the time of ovulation.

2. You always ovulate on Day 14 of a cycle

Fact: Women’s cycles could really differ in length, if they have a long cycle then they will ovulate later than Day 14 and if they have a shorter cycle they will ovulate in advance. This is another reason why it is imperative to have sex every 2-3 days as you never be acquainted with when you might have a longer or shorter cycle than normal and ovulation can easily be missed. In effect, the majority of couples are just not having enough sex in a month to conceive.

 3. Why don’t you relax and then you will get pregnant.

Fact: The medical causes are most often the cause of fertility problems. On the other hand, the recent research shows an increased association between stress and infertility. It said that it is very unhelpful when someone tells you to ‘just relax’.

4. Infertility is always the woman’s problem

Fact: In fact, it is pretty even. 35% of infertility is linked with the woman and 35% with the man. A mixture of both partners in 20% of cases and 10% unsolved infertility.

5. Infertile couples will never be happy 

infertility couple

Fact: Being unable to imagine could fill a couple with grief, anger, despair, and even a sense of personal failure. While it is normal for infertile couples to undergo a range of powerful emotions, the most people move through this life crisis effectively and slowly put it into better perspective. For some couples, “moving on” means to go their initial dreams of having a baby. But in either case, couples do learn that there comes life after infertility and find countless ways to accomplish themselves with or without children.

6. Age does not matter for the man

Fact: Whilst a man is able to father children throughout his adult life, research shows that men of 35 years and old are 50% less likely, during a 12-month period, to imagine a baby than men who are younger than 25.

 7. Alcohol damages chances of conceiving

Fact: Alcohol damages both the egg and the sperm and puts off the absorption of minerals necessary for fertility. That said the irregular glass of wine to help you relax may have the important therapeutic benefits. The good news is that alcohol damage to sperm is reversible and if the man gives up his alcohol content sperm health will get better.

8. The sexual position will help you conceive

Fact: There is no evidence to put forward that any sexual position is better than the other. There is however value in lying in bed for a short while after sex to let the sperm to have the best possible change of entering the uterus. There is conflicting advice on whether having an orgasm really facilitates you to conceive. It is known that the cervix contracts at the point of an orgasm and seems to ‘scoop’ up sperm however women get pregnant whether or not they have attained orgasm at point critique.

9. Little can be executed to improve a man’s sperm count

Fact: Lifestyle really matters when it comes to sperm count. Giving up smoking, reducing alcohol, avoiding drugs, eating a healthy well balanced diet, moderate exercise and a healthy weight could help all to improve a man’s sperm count. Positive changes to a man’s lifestyle could increase sperm health quickly.

10. A woman can delay to be pregnant even if there is a problem….IVF will fix it

 Fact: It is well recognized that a woman’s fertility sharply turns down at the age of 35. As a result, it is very important that women are aware of this if they prefer to holdup motherhood. Whilst the advances in science mean that women are able to turn fertility treatment in their 30’s and 40’s, IVF is not always successful. The percentage of live births following IVF for women over 35 years of age is 27.7%. This seems sharply to 13.6% in a woman aged 40-42 and down to only 5% in women aged 43-44.

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